Integrative Herbalist Apprenticeship Program



THE INTEGRATIVE HERBALIST APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM ~ with Chad Cornell - Integrative Master Herbalist.


Our world needs competent and well trained herbalists and natural healers more than ever.  This is a uniquely designed 2.5 - 3.5 year program, was created for the sincere student who aspires to learn the art & science of herbalism.  


Here's a thorough description of this amazing program that should answer most of your questions...

Learning about natural healing, and the philosophy behind it's ways, is more like a path of adventure than simply a path of study.  It's healing, intellectually deep, creatively fun, filled with mystery, and literally awe inspiring at times.  Our world is in desperate need of well-educated herbalists; creators, growers, harvesters, healers, producers, researchers and educators.  As our food and healthcare systems become increasingly stressed and compromised, and the awareness of our culture improves, we are urgently in need of more holistic health professionals who can rise to the occasion.

The role of the herbalist is timeless, and as we move through great changes and transformation in our society, some might say that an increased number of herbalists is indeed a healing response of nature itself.  Its becoming increasingly clear, to more and more people, that medicinal plants, fungi, and wild foods are as crucial to our future as they were to our past.  Food and medicine security are becoming key topics as well as immune support, detoxification, hormonal balance, vital nutrition, and mental-emotional health.  Yet it also true that deeper healing often requires a more holistic and integrative approach than simply taking an herb or remedy or adjusting ones diet. 

This herbalism program integrates understanding what any long term practicing holistic therapist has discovered - that we must also embrace the mind-body-spirit connection and vibrational aspects of medicine.  As well as relational and emotional patterns, lifestyle, and a spiritually meaningful life.  It can require that we look at the body not as a machine made of parts but as a garden infused with natural intelligence.  Understanding that the individual is more than a personality or ego with a conventional job to do, but a soul that was born with the potential to evolve and awaken in a greater way.  

This program was created to take one from a beginner stage of herbal and holistic healing study - to an in-depth practical ability to be an effective Integrative Herbalist.  Unlike many other herbal training programs, our focus includes a one-to-one direct sharing of knowledge from an experienced teacher to student. This is essential and allows the training to evolve in a way that is tailored to each student's needs, gifts, and goals. We are also committed to keeping quality herbal education affordable.  

Herbalism is a joy to learn, it's fascinating and magical, but it is also highly scientific, practical, and soul soothing to have a deeper relationship to our surroundings and greater nature.  Many of those who have enrolled and thrived in this program have done so out of there love for life and desire to play a part in a greater healing process of this reconnection.  Most of us are learning for ourselves but also for the next generations, and virtually all of those enrolled are seeking to become able to safely and effectively offer solutions that decrease their own suffering and the suffering of others.  



Chad Cornell, Integrative Master Herbalist, is committed to helping a new generation of herbal students who are inspired to carry the natural medicine ways forward, and ensure that every family and community is holistically supported and connected. After two decades of full-time practice as a clinical herbalist, in addition to running a highly successful apothecary, Chad has created the course he wished he could have found when he was first starting out in herbalism.  You can see his full bio on this website. 

Through Chad’s many years of learning from and working with medicine people, healers, yogis, doctors, pharmacists, and therapists within different cultures and backgrounds, he found himself resonating the most authentically with teachings that were personal, direct, and hands-on.  Out of an appreciation for these many diverse and valuable methods of knowledge sharing, Chad has designed this course to create a way of learning that balances the best of all.  This course reflects the oral tradition (audio and video) inner wisdom traditions (like working with dreams, synchronicity, meditation, and inner journeying), and modern science via reading books, studies, and text. This allows the learning process to unfold in ways that are unique to each student, and it is how the Integrative Herbalist Apprenticeship Program was born and designed and it has been evolving ever since.   

To expand further on that, herbalism was an endangered art and science for some time, it is now undergoing a major resurgence. However, this path of study was not, and is not, simply about textbooks, verbal teachings, or videos alone. All such paths are focussed on left brain learning and the intellect.  However, our ancestors and human beings in general, possess an innate connection to our own omniscience - or the capacity to develop our own inherent gifts and abilities to learn in nonlinear ways. Such ways have been endangered in this materialistic age that primarily emphasizes left brain book learning. The path of the healer is not only about gathering information with our left-brains, but also learning to tune into the intelligence of our intuitive hearts, and creative inner imagination. Herbalists, like many great scientists and artists, have proclaimed that we are connected to a vast web of planetary and cosmic intelligence that can guide us with direct insight. Just as our bodies are a part of the greater planetary body, so too are our minds a part of a greater aspect of creation.  We simply need to remember how to deepen our connection with that part of us and put it to use in our practice.  This a fascinating and powerful journey of reconnection for those with a genuine burn to learn and more deeply remember their true nature and ancient ways.    



The Hollow Reed School of Healing Arts & Herbals is a truly multidisciplinary herb school and apothecary natural health centre.  We understand that herbal medicine is an essential tool in the kit of healers, but that it is best used along with other healing arts and modalities.  Though the school has been growing rapidly, we are off the beaten path of fast emerging and newer commercial herbalist schools.  We are focused on a genuine depth of learning, and a truly holistic approach to our students. There are many natural healing schools out there, and of course, some are better than others at what they do.  Choosing the right school to study through is based on factors such as the content, the teacher(s), the format of learning, the bio-region in focus, cost, and of course - your gut feeling!  The school should resonate with your value systems, learning style, and goals. Your teacher should also ideally have loads of hands-on experience helping others in clinical or therapeutic settings over many, many years.  This is the power and potential of learning through the right teacher(s), or a teacher with a lineage of teachers behind him or her, as well as a vast array of personal experience. 



This course has been developed to suit the student as an individual and to take learning herbalism to a new and integrative frontier. We value direct interactions between our students and practicing herbalists, as well as a customized learning approach. What we know, and have known about health, healing, and the science of nature and our cosmos is rapidly changing. Herbalism must adapt along with the new challenges and opportunities we face. Today's crisis, when approached properly, can lead to tomorrow's evolution. 

This program does have core essential and foundational traditional learning modules that must be completed, but it also has optional electives to choose from to complete your studies and refine them to your personal goals and gifts. As a student you are given timeline goals, but also given the room to go at your own pace as your life and bio-rhythms allow.  Our philosophy is that one should not have to experience financial stress and stressful pressure to learn the ancient healing arts. Instead, you can purchase one educational module at a time and go at a pace that you can afford. Learning herbalism, and the healing arts in general, should be kept enjoyable and accessible to all. 



Part of the reason that this program is designed as it is, is to focus on crucial teaching sessions between instructor and students - it’s where we can find the ‘teachable moments', and make examples out of your own personal health challenges or some of those of loved ones around you. It is also where students ‘ground’ all of the content that they have been learning, ask questions, and help it to land inside themselves in a way that is usable going forward. Because this school was not created for large groups of thousands of students en mass we are able to nurture small batches of budding herbalists and healers in an intimate way that blooms unique and effective practitioners. This, as you will see in the student testimonials below, is a highly personal journey and takes time. You might consider this school to be like a small organic farm or production, as opposed to a larger corporate one designed with a focus on large volume, large profit, and lower quality harvests. 

Our intention is to help grow effective herbalists and natural healers that are also educated on some of the very specific and unique challenges that are emerging in our times. We seek to offer this educational path as efficiently, affordably, and holistically as possible. 



Ideally, we can meet in person, though the ways in which we learn have changed a lot since the internet and it is now easier for students to study over a distance.  Many of our students have lived nowhere near the school or even in Canada.  All kinds of educational institutions are offering courses via online classes and cyber meetings, which offers benefits such as reduced travel time and rapid accessibility to content. The downside of this technological format is that we can lose the connection between teacher and student, in addition to relationship development between students on a similar path of learning. Keeping this essence of real connection is foundational in properly learning any healing arts such as herbalism. 

With the Integrative Herbalist Apprenticeship Program, once a student purchases a module, they are invited to our online school learning hub. This is a place for students to connect, co-inspire, and share as a collective if so desired. It is not obligatory to share or engage with other students, or to attend our group huddles or potlucks in person or online. This feature is offered as an opportunity to connect with other students and enhance your learning.  If you live locally, or you are able to travel, then you will have the opportunity to attend guided plant walks and retreats.  If you live far away, we have designed a method to orient you to your bio-region as well.

The school learning hub is also where you access all the course content for your core studies: directions, questions, digital workbooks, and videos. As you work through your studies you will then book times to meet with your teacher, as well as have the option of participating in monthly online group lessons and sharing huddles with featured plants, conditions and guest speakers. If you cannot make the meeting live then you can watch the recording afterwards.  We are also collectively building a wisdom vault; a digital forum of videos, articles and podcasts on a variety of topics related to herbalism, healing, and self realization. 



This is a course designed for the serious student and committed future practitioner, who passionately wants to help others and the planet. It is for those who are looking to truly explore and integrate the diverse concepts of holistic medicine. This means we are not simply focused on anatomy, chemistry, nutrition or phyto-medicine from a Western perspective alone. We also integrate key understandings from Eastern Medicine, Ayurveda and TCM. We value and explore Shamanic and Indigenous teachings, quantum healing and mind-body medicine, while we integrate them with important discoveries related to modern science. This terrain is wild, intuitive, ancient, yet rational, scientific, well researched, and grounded also.  It requires a deep personal devotion, and it takes time to integrate the content and essence of the teachings in a genuine, practical, and meaningful way. To be an effective herbalist is a bit like being a gardener – of yourself and others. It requires intuition and vision, like an artist or musician. It also requires passionate research and study like a good detective or scientist. These are just some of the qualities we develop in ourselves along the path of studying the healing arts and herbalism. 

In the Integrative Herbalist Apprenticeship Program, we strive to encompass all of the above information and experiences in a personalized and unique program of study. We work with the student’s timeline and ability (both energetically and financially) to absorb the learning necessary to become a competent and confident Herbalist and Natural Healer. On average, this program and approach takes between 2.5 and 3.5 years of committed study by the serious student.



For one to learn to help others, we must first learn to help ourselves. We need to address our own obstacles to our most authentic, potent, and awakened life. If we learn how to position ourselves in a healthy alignment with nature, we can become a conduit of healing for ourselves and others. Though the earth struggles, and our future may appear uncertain, one thing is for sure: the plants and other methods of healing that we will cover in this program are profoundly helpful for all the challenges that we may face. Keep in mind that as herbalists, we are not only interested in healing diseases and survival. We are focused on what it means for us, as human beings, to bloom like a plant into our authentic and whole selves, reaching our true and highest potential.



This is a real and valid concern for some people interested in learning.  Herbalism is not a religion, it is an art and a science as old as the hills. We have had many people of varying faiths in this program who have had no issues grasping the "essence or core meaning" of what is being shared.  The tradition of Ayurveda for example is based in Hindu culture but the teachings are easily applied to all culture and situations.  You may have to translate some of the concepts to your own language of comfort, but they tend to be universal and it's quite easy to do so.  Just as a different culture may call garlic by a different name, we can still learn what they used it for and how they used it.   

However, herbalism can include a deeper element of philosophy and spirituality. However true holistic principles and methods of healing transcend any perceived divisions of separation between us – our races, our religions, or our ideas of division.  Plants themselves are great examples of this as they do not only help people of one religion or culture and not another - they help us all the same.  This also involves the understanding that healing and dis-ease can, and often do, require addressing all levels of our being. Just as a “salve” heals a cut or wound, “salv-ation” can heal a deeper wound in the mind, heart, or soul.  Again, that does not require that we are – or are not – in a certain religion, this is a topic of spiritual wholeness and remembering our place in the sacredness of creation.  For example, the herb Sage has been used around the world by so many cultures through time, and it's botanical latin name is salvia, which means to make whole, or to save.  Yet we also know this plant is held very sacred to the many diverse tribes of the Americas.  

With the plants and methods of healing we explore, there is no concept of prejudice nor reverse prejudice, they heal us all the same and that is a primary lesson from the plants themselves. They teach us about our oneness and the majesty and compassionate side of nature.  Part of our healing involves decolonizing our minds and rewriting the programming we’ve had since birth and over the centuries. If you are not interested in exploring the perspective that our physical world is infused with a spiritual reality, or that we all have some waking up to do, then this is likely not the course for you. 

This is a practical “nuts and bolts” herbalism course, however it also has plenty of what some might refer to as “spiritual content.”  Love and laughter are indeed the best medicines, yet our world suffers today under hyper-materialism, and the arrogance and greed that often accompanies modern science. Modern materialistic views hold little place for sacredness, spirituality and soul, and that is a part of why we see so much disharmony in our world today. There is always a place for modern medicine – the gifts of diagnosis, surgery, and even certain pharmaceuticals – once all other methods of natural healing and self care have failed us.  



In today’s age, science and illness have unfortunately become a business and what some call "Big Ag and Big Pharma."  In many ways they are now farming us, our animals, and our plants, and not without dire implications. The challenges that we face are real, as the same companies that produce toxic food and many other harmful chemical products are also providing the so-called medicines for our illness. They have also had increased influence on our national regulatory boards, that suit their financial goals - but not our freedom or well being.  Of course again, it's not that there is no place for modern medicine or pharmacy - it's just not the only path and certainly it is often not the best first option.  This is a part of what motivates many healers and herbalists: to keep the good medicine flowing despite corporate interest attempting to steer us away from or ban their use altogether.  There is a natural path to stay well and address disease, and like the folk healing traditions of old, we can each play a role in keeping that path open and the wisdom of nature’s gifts alive for the next generations.  

There are layers of awakening that we are going through as a species, and it can feel very challenging and at times even painful or scary.  However, when we live our lives with faith in our hearts, and we are whole in ourselves and united with each other - then we may come to see the journey as an exciting chance to play our parts.   Together, we will always be stronger and able to meet that challenge. Together, also means to-gather around something we believe is really important and meaningful and to connect more deeply there.   Increasing numbers of us are waking up and seeking out new ways of healing and feeling well – as a positive contribution for ourselves, our loved ones, and the collective.  We want to live closer to real food, real medicines, and the real potential of our planet and our species.  Our work then is to cultivate a life that enables us to thrive, and in so doing, teach and embody our wisdom for the next generations. So they too can harvest and cultivate real seeds of both plants and knowledge - both literally and figuratively! 



To apply for this program, you can fill out the application at the bottom of the page and email it to [email protected]. Please ensure that you have read the full course description below. You do not require any other educational institution certificates. After your application is received then you will be contacted for a short interview to make sure the program is a good fit for you and the school. 


One: You have a commitment to a process of growth and learning that will be fun and expansive, however at other times feel mundane, challenging, and requiring discipline.

Two: You hold a great respect and compassion for the natural world, all of life, and our future generations. It is your care for yourself, the world, and others that motivates you. 

Three: You possess a commitment and capacity to find the money (= energy) to invest financially in your education and process. This may increase slightly depending on which electives are chosen.

Four: A commitment to continuously explore how you can practically integrate your love of herbal medicine and natural healing methods into a lifestyle that supports you and those around you in ways beyond the typical financial goals of our culture.  In other words, you may apply your interests in a way that could grow you an income, however, you can also become a valuable resource in your community as a caregiver, grower of herbs, medicine maker or healer. 

Five: Ideally, you will have the ability to travel at one point during this program for personal instruction and practicum in a forest retreat with Chad Cornell. This is not essential as there are other ways for you to accomplish your goals of knowing the plants and lands around you.

Six: A sincere commitment to undergo unsupervised self-study and to carry out assignments and prescribed practices. Some assignments will be very rational such as writing a paper. Others will be very creative such as creative visualization, dream-work, meditation, journeying, or the art of medicine making.

Seven: To recognize that you are not simply consuming information but becoming a vessel and a carrier of a living tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years. Ideally, your quest is rooted in seeking deeper relationships and reconnection, both within and without. It is about becoming a walking embodiment for the teachings to radiate through you as a living transmission.



Currently, there is no official authority for regulating who can call themselves herbalists. However, in Canada there are generally three main ways to become a recognized professional Herbalist (According to the Canadian Council of Herbal Associations):


  1. a) Formal Study through an Herbal School
    b) Ancestral Traditional Learning (First Nations or other)
    c) Apprenticeship under a practicing Herbalist.


This program will take place over approximately a 2.5-3.5-year period depending on your own inspiration and lifestyle. The total number of estimated hours of study is 1255 which is just about 4 hours per week. Due to the natural flow of our lives, this will depend on life schedules, vacations, etc. You do not pay by the month; you pay by the module. There is a limited number of people able to fit into this program at one time, so it is expected that you make steady progress on the modules. If your life changes course and you need to take a break from your studies, it is best to bow out of the program to make room for another wanting to join until you can return. 



As previously mentioned, the course can be made available for those who do not live near Winnipeg, via meetings online or even by telephone if need be. We will be doing video or audio recording at the group meetings for those who cannot make the group dates.



– Personal instruction (45 minute to 1 hour meetings - an average of 2 per module).
– Reading assignments using textbooks, handouts, or specific web articles.
– Audio and film recordings of Master Herbalist, Chad Cornell discussing relevant topics.
– Short essays, audio and video recordings, and other assignments on various topics will be assigned to ensure the information is being well integrated.
– Verbal discussions, written quizzes, and case studies to ensure you are integrating the information in a usable fashion.
– Field exams and excursions where you will be asked to identify plants in the wild, demonstrate healing and assessment techniques, and so on.



"I am so impressed with the Integrative Herbal Apprenticeship program taught by Chad Cornell, M.H. Before embarking on this journey, I had bits and pieces of knowledge, with no way to bring it together. This program has helped me develop a well-rounded understanding of all aspects of plant medicine and healing as a general practice. It has taught me that herbalism isn't a career choice but an honour, and I am truly grateful and honoured to carry the tradition. The apprenticeship program has been a gift, and I am excited to continue with it. I would highly recommend this program to anyone who feels called to deepen their relationship with the plant medicine world, as well as their true authentic Self." 

~ Annie Crema, Squamish B.C. 

“My journey into the program started from my passion to provide efficacious healing for my community, but it has also permeated the deepest layers of being, to really help me understand why Chad reminds us ‘Healer, heal thyself’. That healing has provided deeper understanding of the teachings, and greater empathy for the journeys of the members of my community. While it hasn’t always been easy, the increased practice of discipline is unto itself a healing process that provides great wisdom that was well known to our ancestors.” 

- C. Martens, Winnipeg, MB

"The Integrative Herbalist Program through Master Herbalist Chad Cornell allows one the space and opportunity to cultivate experience and knowledge from vast areas of interest in the herbal medicine world. Throughout my time as an apprentice herbalist, I have undertaken learning topics such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurvedic practices, anatomy, herbal remedies, healing with whole foods, among others. The integrative approach allows each apprentice to follow their own path of interests, while still adhering to the outline of the Herbalist Program. The Apprentice Program instilled a drive to learn and experience what I could not have thought possible before, such as working with energies, astrology, and breath work. Additionally, the summer herb retreats out onto the land, rejuvenating oneself from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, while seeing directly for yourself the wild Manitoba plants and herbs in their natural environment. The Integrative Herbalist Program in short not only taught me about herbs, healing, and health, it taught me about myself and how to navigate and integrate myself more holistically into our world today." 

~ Ryan Kologinski, Winnipeg, MB

“The Herbalist Apprenticeship program with Chad Cornell is so much more than just learning about plants and herbs. It is a program that integrates all modalities of healing. You will deepen your connection with yourself while deepening your connection to Mother Earth and all living things. While learning how to heal others, you will also learn how to heal yourself and how to become “whole”. The practices you learn while working with Chad will serve you and will serve the people around you for the rest of your life. “ 

~ David Toews, Kenora, ON

“I feel blessed to have the opportunity to be guided through herbalism by Master Herbalist, Chad Cornell. His Apprenticeship Program has been a knowledgeable and heartfelt journey through science and spirit. I am confident that this knowledge, integrating past and present, ancient and current, will be the foundation in my practice of guiding others toward their path of healing.”

~ Stephanie Snadden, MB

"The Integrative Herbalist program has been an important part of my development not only as a healer, but as a more mature and whole human in general. Chad’s wisdom, friendship and guidance has given me a rich base and anchor in my personal growth. We come to this work to offer people healing through natural means. Chad’s program goes far beyond that, addressing balance on all fronts, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. In this program we explore both east and west, ancient, and modern to bring together the medicine our time needs most. A strong sense of independence is earned through this process as well as the opportunity to recognize and overcome personal challenges and an invitation to explore and integrate our unique flavour and interests.

This program is for those called to reconnect with the wisdom of nature and enter into deep personal exploration. It’s for those committed to knowing themselves, helping others and bringing more balance to this world. For those ready to go on this transformative journey, I couldn’t recommend it enough."

~ Danielle Caners, MB 



Please note that there are three levels, or stages, to the overall program. To graduate as a fully qualified Integrative Herbalist one must complete all three levels. 

LEVEL I: PLANT MEDICINE KNOWLEDGE CARRIER: Level I comprises the first 4 modules. It steeps the student in the foundational wisdom and key principles of herbalism. It is designed to empower one to be a resource for knowledge and information related to plants for personal healing and to develop one’s understanding in how to use healing botanicals and make good medicine! 

LEVEL II: EMISSARY OF THE HEALING ARTS: Level II comprises the 5 modules following Level I. This level takes the student deeper into the study of medicinal mushrooms, chakras and the subtle energy body, meditation, eastern nutrition, traditional methods of how to assess oneself and others, and much more. Upon completion, it enables the student to act as a valuable community and family resource, and to function as an emissary for methods of natural healing which move beyond plants.

LEVEL III: IN PRACTICUM TO BECOME AN INTEGRATIVE HERBALIST: Level III requires that you have completed your 3 electives and have written your final thesis. This level of studies is highly focused on the practical application of what has been learned thus far. We look further into specific approaches to common ailments, and the many details of a safe and successful practice. We move further into creating client intake forms, and an extensive practicum where students see clients and review their files with Chad Cornell. We will be going over some additional formulas and remedies, while we will also be focusing on the business side of your practice or venture in terms of insurance, regulations, and getting your gifts, services and products out into the world. Upon completion, you will be granted a certificate as well as given some final teachings as related to your practice. 




Level 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. Fundamentals of Herbalism ~ Introduction to key terms, basic herbal history, some essential plants and perspectives of herbalism and holistic philosophy.  Beginning to zone in on your core plants of interest as you build your own medicine chest.
  • Includes 2 educational sessions with an emphasis on digestive health as a key pillar of wellness.
  • Textbook will be assigned.
  • Estimated Time: 2 months (70 hours of Study)
  • Assignment: Questions and Quiz
  • Cost $425


  1. Ayurvedic Wisdom - Elemental Perspectives of The Ancient East ~ Exploring the core essence and practical pillars of Ayurveda.  
  • Includes 2 educational sessions with Chad Cornell focused on key Ayurvedic Formulas and Herbs.
  • Texts to be assigned.
  • Assignments: Creating a Practical Elemental Herb Chart, Questions, and Quiz.
  • Estimated Time: 2 months (60 hours)
  • Cost: $425


  1. Fundamentals In Holistic Physiology ~ Learn key concepts and terminology related to Western physiology, as well as a greater view of the body in relation to nature.   
  • Includes 2 educational sessions focused on the nervous system.  We cover the importance and science of grounding/earthing, changing earth energies, the power of the ancient practice of Qi Gong, and more.  
  • Texts to be assigned.
  • Assignments: Questions/Diagrams, Qi Gong Session with Chad Cornell, and Module Review.  
  • Estimated Time: 2 Months (80 Hours).
  • Cost: $425


  1. Herbal Medicine Maker Module ~ The heart of herbalism involves making natural remedies. Here we will cover key remedies an herbalist should be able to enjoy creating skillfully - as well as use responsibly.  
  • Includes 2 educational meetings focused on effective formula making using both theory and intuition.  
  • Text assigned. Includes in-depth video Herbal Wisdom Series with Chad Cornell and Robert Rogers.  
  • Written assignment: choosing your main herbs locally.
  • Creative assignment: Making natural medicines, ethical wildcrafting, properly drying herbs, storing, and formulas. Choosing your primary herbs of interest (13 with basic rationale), and 4 other specialty remedies you make such as a healing bath blend, tincture, salve, oil, tea blend, or flower essence. 
  • Estimated Time:  2 months (45 hours)
  • Cost: $475

Level II ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


  1. Medicinal Mushrooms ~ Delving deep into our fungal pharmacy and the healing power of medicinal mushrooms.  We also explore the power of our inner-sight through a guided drum journey.  
  • Includes 2 educational sessions focused on the immune system.
  • Text to be assigned.
  • Assignment: Choosing your key mushroom allies and why; a guided inner vision journey. Session with Chad Cornell, sending in questions, review.  
  • 2 Months & 50 Hours
  • Cost:$425


  1. Chakras & The Subtle Energy Body: Introduction to The Physiological and Psychological Implications of Chakras. (Compulsory). 
  • Two educational meetings focused on the use of essential oils and sound, toning, visualization, and movement as tools for addressing chakras and the subtle flow of energy that can underlie health and disease. We also address the connection between our primary glands and the chakra system.    
  • Text: To be assigned.
  • Assignment: Summary diagrams, guided inner healing alignment session, and quiz review.
  • Estimated Time: 2 months (50 Hours)
  • Cost: $425 


  1. Pillars of Nutrition from East to West
  • A practical and accessible look at the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) 5 element theory, eating for the seasons, herbal energetics, cleanses, recipes and more.  
  • Two educational meetings with a special focus on cleansing protocols, yin and yang, and key Chinese herbal medicines.
  • Text: to be assigned 
  • Assignment: questions and written assignment on cleansing protocols, and key concepts in TCM.   
  • Estimated Time: 2.5  months (60 Hours)
  • Cost: $475


    8. Client Assessment & Medicine Dreaming

  • Exploring linear and non-linear ways of knowing and how to assess what herbs are required based on tongue, pulse, and other methods of determining imbalances.  Here we explore the vast and fascinating topic of assessment in systems like Ayurveda and TCM.  
  • Includes 2 educational meetings focused on meditation, dream work, synchronicity, tongue/pulse assessment basics and more.  We will also spotlight the circulatory system and herbs.  A special focus on beginning to design your client intake form and process.      
  • Texts: to be assigned. 
  • Estimated Time: 2.5 months - 70 hours and ongoing practice.
  • Cost: $425 


     9. Complementary Practice (Compulsory)

  • ~ This module requires a discussion on how you want to focus your practice and skill set development.  It can be satisfied by studies, apprenticeship or courses you may take or have already taken.  These may include but are not limited to: energy healing, meditation, yoga nidra, breath work, acupressure, sweat lodge, sound healing, homeopathy, jyoti or other. 
  • Estimated Time: 2 months (60 Hours) if done with Chad Cornell.   
  • Assignment (ongoing): Instruction and discussion with Chad Cornell and a personal choice of study. 
  • Cost: To be discussed based on personal choice. Not required to be done with Chad Cornell so the cost is based on your choice and path.  You may already have training that you could use for this requirement.  


Level III Client Practicum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

   10.  Common Ailments & Protocols I (Compulsory)

  • ~ This is a very important module.  It entails designing your client intake forms and procedures, as well as your client handouts, informative documents and videos.  It includes meetings and discussions with Chad Cornell in addition to thoroughly designing a medicine chest to cover each body system. There is an added emphasis on energetics and the role of nutraceuticals.    
  • Receive and learn the Safe Practices & Client Assessment Form as well as the legalities of practicing as an herbalist. Handouts and personal discussion included.
  • Design your own custom client intake form and therapeutic process.  
  • Take a deeper look at the personal aspects of consulting with others and how to engage in safe practice guidelines. 
  • Begin to practice seeing clients under the guidance of Chad Cornell.  
  • Text: To be assigned  
  • Investigate some of the most common diseases and conditions of our time. We look at how to address them, which texts to resource, and how to find reliable information online.  We will also begin to branch off into studying some of the top nutraceuticals and brands available.   
  • Estimated Time: 3 months (80 hours - 4 one hour meetings with Chad Cornell via Zoom or in person). 
  • Cost: $649 
  1. Common Ailments & Protocols II: Assessment and Consultation Design Refinement   (Compulsory) ~  At this stage, you will begin to see clients at no charge. You will preemptively review the intake and protocols that you intend to suggest to your client with Chad before making any formal recommendations. Additionally, you may sit in on some consultations of Chad’s during your client practicum.
  • Practice free sessions with 12 friends, family, or community members.
  • Review of the assessment and the chosen remedies.  
  • This type of session format will be maintained until both you and Chad are confident that you are ready to proceed on your own without supervision.  
  • If you are really struggling to find confidence and need continued supervision, there will be an additional supervision cost.  
  • Estimated Time: 3 months (120 hours)
  • 4 one-hour meetings with Chad
  • Cost: $549


  1. Wild-Harvesting & Plant Identification Retreats (2x Compulsory with Chad and fellow students) ~ An herbalist must be able to access medicines and foods in a wild setting. It is also essential to commune with the plants and learn to develop a relationship with them. If you live afar or can't manage to travel, we have other methods to teach you about your local plants.  
  • Text: Our Common Roots Field Guide: Full Edition by Chad Cornell
  • One 3-day retreat with Chad Cornell & Local Botanist: Boreal Retreat at the Birch River Medicinal Plant Reserve. 
  • Assignment: Identifying both the abundant and endangered plants and mushrooms in your region. 
  • Cost: This will depend on your location and ability to travel but it is highly essential that you connect directly to wild and cultivated plants and be able to identify them. That said, the cost may vary depending on the length of the retreat and the length of your stay. Generally, the length of the retreat is two days and costs approximately $180.00. Longer retreats are possible. 
  • Time investment: 40 hours.
  1. Thesis ~ include description
  • Assignment:  an 8 to 20 page thesis based on research that you will complete pertaining to the intersection of herbalism and a specific issue. It must be relevant to our modern times and is ideally an area that you are planning to specialize in.
  • Examples include: Lyme disease, climate change, gender transitioning, intellectual property rights, etc.  
  • Estimated time: 
  • Cost: $150


  1. Essential Electives (2x Required) ~ The following electives are suggested examples and ideas, however if you have a special interest in a different subject, please consult with Chad to discuss your vision.

    A. Growing and Using Herbs:
  • Texts: The Herb Gardener & The Medicinal Herb Grower – Richo Cech
  • Cost: $249 

        B. Fermentation Essentials:

  • Text: The Art of Fermentation - by who?
  • Estimated Time:  1 Month (30 Hours)
  • Cost: $249
  • Assignment and Essay

        C. Entheogens - Modern and Traditional Use of Psychoactive Plants and Navigating Their                   Modern Resurgence:

  • Text: Visionary Plant Consciousness
  • Discussion, Web Links, and Essay
  • Estimated Time: 1 Month (30 hours)
  • Cost: $349  

        D. Plant Spirit Herbalism & Non linear Ways of Learning:

  • Texts: Plant Spirit Healing & Plant Spirit Medicine and Shamanic Healing by Sandra Ingerman
  • Personal Discussions with Chad. learning about the role of sound, rhythm and visionary plants in practice. 
  • Exercises:  Dream Yoga, Dream Journaling, and Plant Spirit Medicine.
    Estimated Time: 1 Month (30 Hours)
  • Cost: $349

       E. Flower Essences, Vitalism, & Homeopathy:

  • Text: Vitalism by Matthew Wood
  • Estimated Time: 1 Month (30 Hours)
  • Cost: 

       G. Sweat Lodge & Lodge Medicines:

  • Estimated Time: One weekend (6 hours)
  • Cost: $100
  • Please include any other info - assignments etc


It is suggested that you partake in a small cleanse, a gentle fast, or visioning process, for clarifying your intentions for your practice ahead.  This can be done on the land out at the yurt or elsewhere.

You will of course receive a beautiful certificate of completion for your office, apothecary or intake space! 



If you are interested in applying for a spot in the program, please answer the following questions and send them to Chad at c[email protected]. The next step would be an in person, online, or phone interview to clarify any questions and make sure it is the right program for you. If all proceeds well, and there is a space available, then you can get started!

  1. What is your goal with this program?
  2. What are your strengths and weaknesses when it comes to learning / ways of learning?
  3. Have you any knowledge of plant medicine or healing arts yet?
  4. How passionate are you about committing to this learning process? (between 1-10)
  5. How financially able are you to complete this program based on payment by module?  
  6. Do you feel you have the time and personality to commit to self-study?
  7. Besides herbalism, what other types of healing/well being are you interested in?
  8. On a scale of 1-10 how open are you to spirituality?
  9. When would you be interested in starting the Program? 
  10. Where are you located?


Please email if you have any questions! 

[email protected]


 The Hollow Reed School of Healing Arts & Herbals

St. Norbert Arts Centre (100 Rue des Ruines du Monastere)

Ph: (204)786-0820 







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